The entire 4 months from making the audition tape to the Zoom trials, I spent my spare time watching all the reruns I could find and thinking of any crazy adjective or phrase that could show up on the letterboard. I was so excited when I found out that I was going to be on [Teacher's Week] and able to represent my school district.
What did you learn through this experience?
Go after your dreams is a big one, so is try everything! I learned how heavy the wheel actually is. Seeing the entire process of shooting a week's worth of episodes in a day was very exciting. I also learned some key phrases from watching and appearing on the show.
Any puzzles or spins that surprised you?
I hit one bankrupt and no huge money totals. I got the first two of 3 in the triple tossups "Chalkboard" and "Dry-Erase Board". I thought that "Bulletin Board" would've been the third one but they pulled a fast one on me and it ended up being "Diving Board". Those are creative writers they got, it could be anything!
How will/did you include your family when your show airs?
My lovely girlfriend encouraged me to make my audition video a day after my 35th birthday, and she helped me train with many rewatches of Wheel of Fortune Episodes and Hangman games. My mom made the 6 hour flight with me from New Jersey and made sure I had everything I needed and was there to cheer me on the whole day! I am looking forward to celebrating the viewing with my whole family and friends and being able to share the moment with my school too!
What does Wheel mean to you?
When I was 13, I had a Game Show themed Bar Mitzvah. I've always loved game shows and word puzzles, and being on a game show has always been a huge dream of mine. To be part of a show that has been around for 40+ years and to be part of its history, especially Pat's final season is incredibly meaningful. Thank you so much to the show and producers for giving me this incredible opportunity!!