Watch Weeknights

Find Your Station
Renee B Renee B

Finding out I made the show was one of those moments where you can hardly believe what’s happening! I was sitting on my couch with my fiancé and had just said to him, “Well, it’s been almost two months since my audition for Wheel, and I guess I didn’t get selected. That’s okay, I’ll just try again next year.” And then just 15 minutes later, I opened my laptop and checked my email and — BAM! — there it was!!!! The subject line referred to a taping date; I thought it was spam or something. I mean, what are the chances I was just talking about NOT making it, and an email pops up? I had to read it out loud to my fiancé to confirm it was real. We both just sat and stared at each other for the next 10 minutes or so. It was an absolutely magical moment! I was really going to spin THE WHEEL!!!! 😲😲

Once it was official, I immediately began practicing for the big day! Now mind you, I’ve been “practicing” for this moment for more than 40 years, but I wasn’t leaving anything to chance, and although I had already downloaded the app after I applied, I began playing it daily. I also practiced by solving puzzles on the Wheel website every day. And, naturally, I tuned in for the show every night I could. I felt very prepared, but nothing can really prepare you for such a surreal experience!!! 

What surprised me most about my experience on the show was the fact that I don’t remember ANY of the three puzzles I solved!! We’ll chalk it up to a case of “game-show amnesia.” 😂😂 But seriously, I can’t wait for my episode to air so I can see what I solved! 

And of course, it wouldn’t truly be ME up there if I didn’t make a fool of myself! During Final Spin I remember calling a consonant that was on the board, and hearing Pat tell me I had three seconds to solve it. Well, when I tell you I was focused on solving that thing, I MEAN it!! I was so focused, in fact, that I apparently forgot how to play the game and blurted out “I know it!”, instead of, you know, the answer. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I heard Pat reply “Say it!”, but since my three seconds were up, it was too late!

My family is so excited to watch! My daughter is hosting a watch party with my son and their friends, and my fiancé and I will watch together right here on our couch, the way Americans have been doing for decades. Only this time, we’ll know someone! 😉😉 Wheel of Fortune means so much to me. It was my late mother’s absolute favorite show on television, and she always told me I should go on the show. I know she had a part in making this happen for me, and I hope I made her proud. 🥰 To me, the Wheel represents history, tradition, family, legacy  and so much more. I am so honored to have been a part of this amazing, iconic show. Somebody pinch me!!