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Kim Lige - Jet Setters Week - Season 42 Kim L.

I was sitting down to watch the show with my youngest daughter when I found out I had been chosen as a potential contestant. I was just casually checking my email & when I opened it I literally screamed "OMG!!!" I almost scared her to death. I don't know how many times I read it, because I was like, "this can't be real!?!?" But gladly, it was! My family and I have watched this show my entire life and I knew I was ready, I just continued watching and competing against the players on the screen & playing on my app. 

I was surprised by the size & weight of the wheel & was enlightened by all the behind-the-scenes stuff that takes place. I am in awe of how organized this production is, especially having to deal with different people EVERY TIME.  I was truly surprised when I solved the "SISTERLY SUPPORT" puzzle, because my mind went completely blank & I just threw an answer out there; thank God it was correct. I have 6 sisters so I definitely feel like that one was meant for me, as well as "SIBLING RIVALRY" (Can't get around conflict with that much estrogen in the house). I had a big watch party with about 50 family members and friends; I had tons of Wheel of Fortune themed props and goodies for everyone to enjoy, my local news station came out and had fun with us as well. It was an amazing night!  

This has been the highlight of my life thus far and I am so incredibly grateful to have been chosen. I will cherish this moment for the rest of my life!