Being on Wheel of Fortune was one of the [most fun] days of my life! When I sent in my tryout video I never expected to hear anything from it, so to get the email saying I made the show was [shocking]. I actually had to hand my phone to my wife so she could reread the email to make sure I was understanding it correctly. As if that wasn’t enough great news, we just happened to have a vacation planned for that very week in Southern California. It seemed too good to be true.
My family is very competitive when it comes to playing the wheel at home. We’re always trying to be the first to solve the puzzle. I felt pretty prepared for the show, but I made sure to go to the website a couple times a day to practice the toss up games. I really think that helped me the most.
Everything about playing that day is still a blur. Like everyone else, I was super nervous. So it was a bit of a relief to not only win one, but the first two toss ups. No doubt the highlight was the prize puzzle round. I was fortunate enough to land on the express wedge! Being early in the round I figured it was a long shot but I had to try. With every letter called correctly I could feel the pressure get higher. I could almost feel my wife and daughter in the audience thinking, DON’T MESS THIS UP! 😂 However, when I finally figured out the puzzle, I was so relieved! Being a huge Hard Rock music fan I always love a NEW PAIR OF NOISE CANCELLING HEADPHONES.
Beyond playing at the Wheel, my favorite part was meeting all the other contestants that were there to play that day. I couldn’t believe how nice everybody was. Everyone was very supportive and we all genuinely wanted each other to do well.
We’re planning on getting together with family for a watch party for my episode. Being a farmer from the small town of Cosby, Missouri with a population of 124 people, everyone is very excited to find out how I did. I still remember watching the Wheel growing up doing my homework, then to watching every evening while eating supper with my own family. I never dreamed I’d ever play! I definitely never would have thought I’d win $31,000 and a trip. From the first step of making a contestant video to the final step of getting interviewed by Maggie Sajak, it was [the] ride of a lifetime. Thank you very much Wheel of Fortune!