Watch Weeknights

Find Your Station
beth Beth L.

The whole experience was totally a rollercoaster ride! I applied online three years ago during COVID, I had a late morning at work so I decided to send in my application because people always tell me I’m really good at the show. Fast forward 2 1/2 years later and I get an email stating that I’ve been chosen for a virtual audition! Of course I was super nervous and made everyone in my household leave so that I could be alone while I did it 😆 The five minute interview went great and she recommended me for some puzzle solving with additional contestants a few days later. I felt like I nailed that second audition but never heard anything back so I figured I didn’t make it and I could apply again in a year. Then out of the blue four months later, I got the email!

I almost couldn’t believe it so I had my husband read it just to confirm. I couldn’t believe I was flying out to Los Angeles the next month to potentially film an episode! Of course I wanted to scream it from the rooftops but I knew that wasn’t allowed 🤪 I think it was one of the hardest secrets I ever had to keep. For the next several weeks, I recorded every episode of Wheel that was on, as well as watched YouTube videos of people solving toss up puzzles. I felt like I was back in college with all the studying I was doing 😆

Then the time came; my husband, my daughter, my mom and I packed our bags and flew out to Los Angeles. My mom was almost as bad as I was, she wanted to tell everyone we encountered in the airport where we were going and why! When the big day finally came I could not sleep the night before. Not to mention I was on a three hour time difference so that certainly didn’t help. Then we arrived at the studio and the whole day was a blur. The friends I got to meet and the connections we formed were unreal. Spinning the wheel was unreal. These are things that I had been watching on TV for over 30 years and now here I was. All morning I was terrified that I wouldn’t be chosen to be on the show but lo and behold, I was chosen! \

I got to hang out with Maggie Sajak for a bit and do some Disney trivia, it was like a dream come true. Then it was time to head to the stage. I had a small wardrobe malfunction when it came time to tape my show, Vanna’s stylist had to come in and help me out, but everything turned out OK and I got on the stage! I had been nervous all day but as soon as I stepped into the red position, all of a sudden all of those anxieties disappeared. I felt a strange calm come over me and I was ready to play! When Pat came out to begin the game I noticed he had the kindest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. That is one of the strongest memories I have from the day. He made me feel so at ease up there on the stage.

I solved the first Toss Up puzzle, which definitely started me off on the right foot (not to mention that Pat commented on my excellent enunciation 😆) But then I hit a few “Lose A Turn” and “Bankrupt“ wedges; as disappointed as I was, I still felt really glad to be up there on the stage. Then things started turning around for me. I got the prize puzzle! I felt like at that point I might actually have a chance of winning the whole show 😬 As gameplay continued, I realized that I was going to be the one going to the Bonus Round. I seriously couldn’t believe it. The time between solving the last regular round puzzle and starting the Bonus Round seemed to go at light speed yet also seemed to stand still. When it was time to solve, I realized I knew the answer and a huge smile lit up my face. Pat even commented on the smile, he must have known that I knew the answer. As soon as I solved it, I turned around immediately to see my family running towards me with huge smiles and looks of disbelief. My husband kept saying “oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh“ as he hugged me. It was easily one of the top three moments of my life (keep in mind I have two children 😜).

I was definitely sad when the whole experience was over, as the day seemed to go on forever but also seemed to have passed in the blink of an eye. That moment felt bittersweet; I was sad that I’ll never get to do it all again, but so thankful that I got to do it at all. And on Pat’s last season! Having grown up watching him on the show, sometimes I still can’t believe that I got to meet him and Vanna in person. Everyone from the security guards to the producers I met that day were incredible; they were all so professional but also friendly and helped us all feel much more comfortable. I’m pretty sure I’ve had a permanent smile plastered on my face since my tape date, who wouldn’t??